Solicitação de Auxilio
Precisamos ativar o Coração de todos os nossos queridos (amigos, familiares, conhecidos)...
A hora é agora...
Estamos há um mes do Ato, e queremos reunir no minimo 500.000 Guerreiros em prol da Florestas, Biomas e Recursos Naturais, que são vitais para nós e todas as gerações futuras.
Ative seus contatos com intenção de estar Semeando boas intenções...
Sugestão: Quando encontrar alguma noticia ou comentario em prol da Floresta, Xingu, Cerrado, Recursos Hidricos, etc... Ative e conscientize da importancia da pessoa que postou, e de quem comentou (principalmente) estar presente no Ato Nacional em Brasilia... Essas pessoas que estão comentando querem participar, e muitas não sabem como... são as chamadas Sementes Potencial.
Vamos semear corações...
segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011
sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011
América Rock Club

Um lugar para shows e eventos com amplo espaço e boa música. Localizado em Taguatinga/DF, o América Rock Club tem como proposta trazer para a cidade atrações internacionais, nacionais e locais.
Sábado 02 de julho
show com as bandas
Endereço: QS 03 Conjunto 13 Loja 2B Taguatinga Sul, em frente ao Carrefour.
Informações: (61) 3352-0920
XI Encontro de Culturas Tradicionais da Chapada dos Veadeiros
Índios, mestres e brincantes, donos de um conhecimento milenar estarão ao no...sso lado para prosas, oficinas e apresentações, compartilhando histórias e costumes. Violeiros, catireiros, artistas circenses, capoeiristas. Velhos, crianças e adolescentes em total sintonia com a natureza e com nossa diversidade cultural. Maracatus, congadas, folias, fandango e carimbó.
Somado a isso, o cenário encantador da Vila de São Jorge, com sua gente simples, seu céu estrelado e a imensidão da Chapada dos Veadeiros ao fundo. Participe conosco e nos apóie nesta experiência inesquecível.
Sexta, 22 de julho às 08:00 - 30 de julho às 22:00
Distrito de São Jorge, Alto Paraíso, Goiás
The Meeting of Traditional Cultures of the Chapada dos Veadeiros is a time of celebration of Brazilian popular culture and the intersection between the various manifestations of traditional culture around the Midwest and throughout the country. Each in its own time and way playing with pride their rites and festivities.
Indians, teachers and revelers, owners of an ancient knowledge will be alongside us for prose, workshops and presentations, sharing stories and customs. Guitar players, catireiros, circus performers, capoeira. Old men, children and adolescents in total harmony with nature, and with our cultural diversity.
Added to this, the enchanting scenery of the town of St. George, with its simple people, their starry sky and the immensity of the Chapada dos Veadeiros in the background. Join us and support us in this unforgettable experience.
El Encuentro de Culturas Tradicionales de la Chapada dos Veadeiros es un momento de celebración de la cultura popular brasileña y la intersección entre las diversas manifestaciones de la cultura tradicional en todo el Medio Oeste y en todo el país. Cada uno en su propio tiempo y manera de jugar con orgullo sus ritos y festividades.
Indios, los profesores y juerguistas, los propietarios de un conocimiento antiguo se junto a nosotros para la prosa, talleres y presentaciones, compartiendo historias y costumbres. Guitar jugadores, catireiros, artistas de circo, capoeira. Ancianos, niños y adolescentes en total armonía con la naturaleza y nuestra diversidad cultural.
quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011
Um cavalo chamado Cactus Shine
Eu queria trazer-te uns versos muito lindos colhidos no mais íntimo de mim...
Suas palavras seriam as mais simples do mundo,
porém não sei que luz as iluminaria que terias de fechar teus olhos para as ouvir...
Sim! Uma luz que viria de dentro delas, como essa que acende inesperadas
cores nas lanternas chinesas de papel!
Trago-te palavras, apenas... E que estão escritas do lado de fora do papel...
Não sei, eu nunca soube o que dizer-te e este poema vai morrendo,
ardente e puro, ao vento da Poesia...
como uma pobre lanterna que incendiou!
Mario Quintana
Lívia Miziara Amigo
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011
De volta ao Point das Máquinas!
Atendendo a pedidos, Banda Rioclaro, uma viagem musical pelo cerrado brasileiro de volta ao Point da Máquinas.
Texto e Banner Oficial do Point das Máquinas.
Texto e Banner Oficial do Point das Máquinas.
segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011
A morte de Clarence Clemons
O saxofonista americano Clarence Clemons, membro da E Street Band, o grupo que acompanha Bruce Springsteen, morreu neste sábado à noite aos 69 anos em um hospital da Flórida por conta das complicações decorrentes do derrame cerebral que sofreu no último dia 12.
A morte de Clarence Clemons foi anunciada "com arrasadora tristeza" no site oficial de Bruce Springsteen aos amigos e fãs do "Boss" e da E Street Band.
"Ele amava o saxofone e nossos fãs e dava tudo cada noite que pisava no palco", escreveu o Boss, que considerou "imensurável" a morte de Clemons, ao qual se referiu como seu "grande amigo" e "companheiro".
A morte de Clarence Clemons foi anunciada "com arrasadora tristeza" no site oficial de Bruce Springsteen aos amigos e fãs do "Boss" e da E Street Band.
O saxofonista, inseparável companheiro de Springsteen durante quase quatro décadas, sofreu um derrame cerebral na semana passada que causou paralisia no lado esquerdo do seu corpo e o obrigou a passar por duas operações.
A notícia causou grande inquietação entre os admiradores de Springsteen, já que Clemons, conhecido como "Big Man" por seu porte físico, era uma peça fundamental da E Street. Durante os últimos dias, sucederam-se mensagens de apoio ao músico."Clarence viveu uma vida maravilhosa", escreveu Springsteen em seu site neste domingo, em uma mensagem na qual ressaltou a entrega de seu amigo e companheiro à música.
"Ele amava o saxofone e nossos fãs e dava tudo cada noite que pisava no palco", escreveu o Boss, que considerou "imensurável" a morte de Clemons, ao qual se referiu como seu "grande amigo" e "companheiro".
Nascido em 11 de janeiro de 1942 em Norfolk (Virgínia), Clarence Clemons se uniu à E Street Band em 1972 e desde então participou da gravação de 12 álbuns de Springsteen e de inúmeras turnês por todo o mundo.
Além de colaborar com outros artistas, Clemons lançou vários álbuns solo e participou do filme "New York New York" (1977), de Martin Scorsese. EFE..
sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011
The ghost riders are back to the Paddock!!!
quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011
segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011
Festa Junina da FAB

Festa Junina da Base Aérea de Brasília!!!!
Sexta 17 e sábado 18 de junho com Rioclaro Show às 20h00..Não percam! A Base fica ao lado do aeroporto.
pin up nose art
quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011
Sábado Especial no Churchill Jazz Club!

Na véspera do dia dos namorados, clássicos do rock and roll, da música country e as canções da banda integram a trilha sonora do bar, batizado assim em homenagem ao ex-ministro britânico Winston Churchill. No Lounge Bar, os clientes se acomodam em confortáveis poltronas de couro, bebendo cervejas como a belga Leffe Blond e a brasileira Baden Baden. De tira-gosto, chegam à mesa linguiça de cordeiro com mostarda suíça e carré de porco defumado ladeado por chucrute e batata röschit.
Qualidade Musical Internacional Com :
Couvert feminino à : R$ 9,00 (Informando que viram no site o couvert feminino será isento)
Couvert Masculino à : R$ 12,00
Eventos e Reservas 3218-5555 8154-4766
Produção André Rufino
Gerente Churchill
Sábado 11 de junho 22h
terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011
We all care about Amazon… we all want to act against destroying this beautiful place on Earth, a place which is without a doubt one of the hearts and source of life to all the planet.
We also know how cruelly are human's rights violated there, how many people already died to fight for human rights and protecting the Nature from destruction. We know the facts, we know the companies, we know that behind all of that sta...nd money and greed.
I know there are already many groups and pages to support Amazon and People in Amazon. .. but please use this event to spread some important links, petitions and addresses among your friends.
All this event is about SAYING NO TO BELO MONTE DAM.
Below you will see the letter from indigenous people of Xingu who ask for INTERNATIONAL support to SAY NO FOR BELO MONTE DAM.
eneath that, you will find few very important active petitions to government of Brazil.
Next, you will find few documents explaining WHY Belo Monte project is so dangerous and shouldn’t come into life.
… and finally at the end you will find e-mail addresses (to copy and paste) to Brazillian Embassies all around the world, postal addresses, phone numbers… Please use them to write your private letters. If I may ask... please do it at least once per every week till we all won't be sure the plans for building the dam become the past. This will make a change.
Special thanks to Amazon Watch, International Rivers, all Amazon protecting movements, human rights movements… and YOU for your time and such a huge engagement in saving life.
Okay… so… here we go…:
Indian Chief Raoni and representatives of indigenous peoples of Xingu (Brazil) request international support against the proposed Belo Monte dam project.
“We, the indigenous people of Xingu, do not want Belo Monte. We, the indigenous people of Xingu, are fighting for our people, our land but also for the future of the planet. President Lula said he was worried about the Indians, he was concerned about the Amazon and that he did not want international NGOs. We, the 62 indigenous leaders of the vilages of Bacaja, Mrotidjam, Kararao, Terra – Wanga, Boa Vista Km 17, Tukama, Kapoto, Moikarako, Aykre, Kiketrum, Potriko, Tukai, Mentutire, Omekrankum, and Cakamkubem Pokaimone, have already undergone many invasions and faced many dangers.
When the Portuguese arrived in Brazil, we Indians, were already there; many have died, many have lost their vast territories, most of their rights, many have ost part of their culture and others have totally disappeared.
The forest is our grocery store, the river our market. We do not want the Xingu rivers to be invaded and that our villages and our children, who will be raised according to our customs, be in danger. We do not want the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam because we knowit will only cause destruction. We are not only thinking about the local implications, but about all the descructive consequencesof the dam: it will attract even more business, more farms, it will promote the invasion of our lands, conflicta and even the construction of other dams. If the white man continues, everything will be destroyed very quickly. We ask: “What more does the government want? What good will so much energy do after so much destruction?”
We have aready held numerous meetings and have participated in major events to oppose the Belo Monte complex, as we did in 1989 and 2008 in Altamira, and in 2009 in the vilage of Piaracu where many of our leaders were present. We have personally talked with President Lula to convince him that we did not want the dam and he promosed us that it would not be forced upon us. We have also personally talked with Eletronorte and Eletrobras, as well as with FUNAI and IBAMA. We have already warned the government that if the dam project went through, the war would be declared and he would be made accountable. The government has not understood our message and again, has taunted the indigenous peoples, ensuring that it will build the dam at all costs. When President Lula said this, he showed that he paid no heed to the voice of indigenous peoples ad that he did not recognize our rights. His lack of respect led him o plan the teder for the Belo Monte during the Week of indigenous peoples.
Because of this, we, the Indians of the Xinguregion, have invited James Cameron and his team, representatives of the Xingu Forever Movement (as well as the women’s movement, ISA and CMI, AmazonWatch and other organizations). We want them to help us communicate our message to the world and to the Brazilians themselves who do not yet know what is happening in Xingu. We invited them because we know there are many people in Brazil and elsewhere who want to help us protect our rights and territories. They are welcomed among us.
We fight for our people, our lands, our forests, our rivers, for our children ad the glory of our ancestors. We are also fighting for the future of the plaet because we know that these forests are not only beneficial to the indigenous people but to the Brazilian society and the world as well. We also know that without these forests, many peope will suffer, much more than from all the destruction that occurred in the past. All life is interconneted, like the bood that unites families. The world must know what is happening here. People must realize that destruction of forests and indigenous peoples will translate into their own destruction. It is for these reasons that we oppose Belo Monte. The dam will cause the destruction of our people.
In conclusion, we proclaim that we are determined, that we are strong, that we are ready to fight and that we remember the words of a letter that a North American Indian had once sent to his President: “It is only when the white man has destroyed the whole forest, when it has killed all fish and animals and that all rivers have dried up that he will realize that nobody can eat money.”
AUTHORS: Cacique Bet Kamati Kayapo, Cacique Raoni Kayapo, Yakareti Juruna.
Please support Chief Raoni’s petition:
”I support Chief Raoni and indigenous peoples of Xingu and request the permanent abandonment of the proposed Belo Monte hydroelectric dam project.”
Please support Amazon Watch petition to Brazilian Government.
” We've already delivered half a million signatures to Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, but we're just getting started. Help us stop the Belo Monte Dam by signing the petition here!”~ Amazon Watch
” Dear Brazilian Government:I support the demands of Brazilian civil society and urge you to defend the Amazon and its people and stop the Belo Monte Dam Complex.
Why NO for Belo Monte Dam project?
Please watch document directed by Amazon Watch and International Rivers.
Amazon Watch and International Rivers have teamed up to create a state-of-the-art 10-minute Google Earth 3-D tour and video narrated by actress Sigourney Weaver, with technical assistance from Google Earth Outreach. The video is in support of Brazil's Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre (Xingu River Forever Alive Movement). The tour allows viewers to learn about the harmful impacts of, and alternatives to the massive Belo Monte Dam Complex on the Amazon's Xingu River.
”Defending the Rivers of the Amazon, with Sigourney Weaver”:
Please watch “A last stand for the Xingu” document direced by AmazonWatch:
Please listen to the message from Chief Raoni (document directed by AmazonWatch) :
Please listen to the message from Antonia Melo - Xingu Alive Forever Movement:
Please watch “A Message From Pandora” document about the battle to stop the Belo Monte Dam ~ directed by James Cameron:
Please write your personal letter to the Brazilian Embassies all over the world. To do so, you can use this e-mail list line.
Explanation for a single e-mal address you wil find in the link below the list of addresses:
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Here are the explanations for the addresses listed above:
There are some lacking e-mail addresses in our world map, so for anyone who has the possibility and would like to contact with Brazilian Embassies in: Burkina Faso, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Geneva, Tanzania, Togo, Atlanta in USA use those info below:
Embassy of Brazil in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Ambassade du Brasil a Ouagadougou
Hotel Sofitel Ouaga 2000, chambres 529/530, 10 B.P. 13571, Ouagadougou 10, Burkina Faso
Embassy of Brazil in Pretoria, South Africa
Hillcrest Office Park, Woodpecker Place, First Floor, 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest, Pretoria, GA 0083, South Africa, PO BOX 3269, Phone: (2712)366-5200, Fax: (2712)366-5299
Consulate of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Morven House, 16 Queen's Road , Colombo 3, Sri Lanka, Phone: 11-556.6900, Fax: 11-556.6999
Embassy of Brazil in Sudan
Endereco para entrega de Mala Diplomatica
Rua Kamel Magzob , Casa 110, Bloco 21, Riyadh, Khartoum, Sudan, Phone: 00 249 1 8321 7079, 00 249 1 8321 7069 , Fax: 00 249 1 8321 7049
Consulate General of Brazil in Geneva
54, rue de Lausanne , 1202 Geneve ,Phone: 022 906 9420 , Fax: 022 906 1994 35
Embassy of Brazil in Tanzania
BARCLAYS BUILDING, 40. ANDAR, OHIO STREET, UPANGA , P.O. BOX 105818, DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA, Phone: (25522) 212-6920 (GERAL),Fax: (25522) 212 9664
Embassy of Brazil in Togo
Cite OUA, rue de la Presidence de la Republique Anexe, s/n, Lome, Togo, Phone: (00228) 261 5684, 261 5658, 261 5659, Fax: (00228) 261-5683
Consulate General of Brazil in Atlanta, United States
3500 Lenox Road NE, One Alliance Center, Suite 800, Atlanta-GA, 30326, Phone: 1(404) 949-2400, Fax: 1(404) 949-2402
We all care about Amazon… we all want to act against destroying this beautiful place on Earth, a place which is without a doubt one of the hearts and source of life to all the planet.
We also know how cruelly are human's rights violated there, how many people already died to fight for human rights and protecting the Nature from destruction. We know the facts, we know the companies, we know that behind all of that sta...nd money and greed.
I know there are already many groups and pages to support Amazon and People in Amazon. .. but please use this event to spread some important links, petitions and addresses among your friends.
All this event is about SAYING NO TO BELO MONTE DAM.
Below you will see the letter from indigenous people of Xingu who ask for INTERNATIONAL support to SAY NO FOR BELO MONTE DAM.
eneath that, you will find few very important active petitions to government of Brazil.
Next, you will find few documents explaining WHY Belo Monte project is so dangerous and shouldn’t come into life.
… and finally at the end you will find e-mail addresses (to copy and paste) to Brazillian Embassies all around the world, postal addresses, phone numbers… Please use them to write your private letters. If I may ask... please do it at least once per every week till we all won't be sure the plans for building the dam become the past. This will make a change.
Special thanks to Amazon Watch, International Rivers, all Amazon protecting movements, human rights movements… and YOU for your time and such a huge engagement in saving life.
Okay… so… here we go…:
Indian Chief Raoni and representatives of indigenous peoples of Xingu (Brazil) request international support against the proposed Belo Monte dam project.
“We, the indigenous people of Xingu, do not want Belo Monte. We, the indigenous people of Xingu, are fighting for our people, our land but also for the future of the planet. President Lula said he was worried about the Indians, he was concerned about the Amazon and that he did not want international NGOs. We, the 62 indigenous leaders of the vilages of Bacaja, Mrotidjam, Kararao, Terra – Wanga, Boa Vista Km 17, Tukama, Kapoto, Moikarako, Aykre, Kiketrum, Potriko, Tukai, Mentutire, Omekrankum, and Cakamkubem Pokaimone, have already undergone many invasions and faced many dangers.
When the Portuguese arrived in Brazil, we Indians, were already there; many have died, many have lost their vast territories, most of their rights, many have ost part of their culture and others have totally disappeared.
The forest is our grocery store, the river our market. We do not want the Xingu rivers to be invaded and that our villages and our children, who will be raised according to our customs, be in danger. We do not want the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam because we knowit will only cause destruction. We are not only thinking about the local implications, but about all the descructive consequencesof the dam: it will attract even more business, more farms, it will promote the invasion of our lands, conflicta and even the construction of other dams. If the white man continues, everything will be destroyed very quickly. We ask: “What more does the government want? What good will so much energy do after so much destruction?”
We have aready held numerous meetings and have participated in major events to oppose the Belo Monte complex, as we did in 1989 and 2008 in Altamira, and in 2009 in the vilage of Piaracu where many of our leaders were present. We have personally talked with President Lula to convince him that we did not want the dam and he promosed us that it would not be forced upon us. We have also personally talked with Eletronorte and Eletrobras, as well as with FUNAI and IBAMA. We have already warned the government that if the dam project went through, the war would be declared and he would be made accountable. The government has not understood our message and again, has taunted the indigenous peoples, ensuring that it will build the dam at all costs. When President Lula said this, he showed that he paid no heed to the voice of indigenous peoples ad that he did not recognize our rights. His lack of respect led him o plan the teder for the Belo Monte during the Week of indigenous peoples.
Because of this, we, the Indians of the Xinguregion, have invited James Cameron and his team, representatives of the Xingu Forever Movement (as well as the women’s movement, ISA and CMI, AmazonWatch and other organizations). We want them to help us communicate our message to the world and to the Brazilians themselves who do not yet know what is happening in Xingu. We invited them because we know there are many people in Brazil and elsewhere who want to help us protect our rights and territories. They are welcomed among us.
We fight for our people, our lands, our forests, our rivers, for our children ad the glory of our ancestors. We are also fighting for the future of the plaet because we know that these forests are not only beneficial to the indigenous people but to the Brazilian society and the world as well. We also know that without these forests, many peope will suffer, much more than from all the destruction that occurred in the past. All life is interconneted, like the bood that unites families. The world must know what is happening here. People must realize that destruction of forests and indigenous peoples will translate into their own destruction. It is for these reasons that we oppose Belo Monte. The dam will cause the destruction of our people.
In conclusion, we proclaim that we are determined, that we are strong, that we are ready to fight and that we remember the words of a letter that a North American Indian had once sent to his President: “It is only when the white man has destroyed the whole forest, when it has killed all fish and animals and that all rivers have dried up that he will realize that nobody can eat money.”
AUTHORS: Cacique Bet Kamati Kayapo, Cacique Raoni Kayapo, Yakareti Juruna.
Please support Chief Raoni’s petition:
”I support Chief Raoni and indigenous peoples of Xingu and request the permanent abandonment of the proposed Belo Monte hydroelectric dam project.”
Please support Amazon Watch petition to Brazilian Government.
” We've already delivered half a million signatures to Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, but we're just getting started. Help us stop the Belo Monte Dam by signing the petition here!”~ Amazon Watch
” Dear Brazilian Government:I support the demands of Brazilian civil society and urge you to defend the Amazon and its people and stop the Belo Monte Dam Complex.
Why NO for Belo Monte Dam project?
Please watch document directed by Amazon Watch and International Rivers.
Amazon Watch and International Rivers have teamed up to create a state-of-the-art 10-minute Google Earth 3-D tour and video narrated by actress Sigourney Weaver, with technical assistance from Google Earth Outreach. The video is in support of Brazil's Movimento Xingu Vivo Para Sempre (Xingu River Forever Alive Movement). The tour allows viewers to learn about the harmful impacts of, and alternatives to the massive Belo Monte Dam Complex on the Amazon's Xingu River.
”Defending the Rivers of the Amazon, with Sigourney Weaver”:
Please watch “A last stand for the Xingu” document direced by AmazonWatch:
Please listen to the message from Chief Raoni (document directed by AmazonWatch) :
Please listen to the message from Antonia Melo - Xingu Alive Forever Movement:
Please watch “A Message From Pandora” document about the battle to stop the Belo Monte Dam ~ directed by James Cameron:
Please write your personal letter to the Brazilian Embassies all over the world. To do so, you can use this e-mail list line.
Explanation for a single e-mal address you wil find in the link below the list of addresses:
Here are the explanations for the addresses listed above:
There are some lacking e-mail addresses in our world map, so for anyone who has the possibility and would like to contact with Brazilian Embassies in: Burkina Faso, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Geneva, Tanzania, Togo, Atlanta in USA use those info below:
Embassy of Brazil in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Ambassade du Brasil a Ouagadougou
Hotel Sofitel Ouaga 2000, chambres 529/530, 10 B.P. 13571, Ouagadougou 10, Burkina Faso
Embassy of Brazil in Pretoria, South Africa
Hillcrest Office Park, Woodpecker Place, First Floor, 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest, Pretoria, GA 0083, South Africa, PO BOX 3269, Phone: (2712)366-5200, Fax: (2712)366-5299
Consulate of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Morven House, 16 Queen's Road , Colombo 3, Sri Lanka, Phone: 11-556.6900, Fax: 11-556.6999
Embassy of Brazil in Sudan
Endereco para entrega de Mala Diplomatica
Rua Kamel Magzob , Casa 110, Bloco 21, Riyadh, Khartoum, Sudan, Phone: 00 249 1 8321 7079, 00 249 1 8321 7069 , Fax: 00 249 1 8321 7049
Consulate General of Brazil in Geneva
54, rue de Lausanne , 1202 Geneve ,Phone: 022 906 9420 , Fax: 022 906 1994 35
Embassy of Brazil in Tanzania
BARCLAYS BUILDING, 40. ANDAR, OHIO STREET, UPANGA , P.O. BOX 105818, DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA, Phone: (25522) 212-6920 (GERAL),Fax: (25522) 212 9664
Embassy of Brazil in Togo
Cite OUA, rue de la Presidence de la Republique Anexe, s/n, Lome, Togo, Phone: (00228) 261 5684, 261 5658, 261 5659, Fax: (00228) 261-5683
Consulate General of Brazil in Atlanta, United States
3500 Lenox Road NE, One Alliance Center, Suite 800, Atlanta-GA, 30326, Phone: 1(404) 949-2400, Fax: 1(404) 949-2402
Korubo - A comunidade indígena manifesta-se sobre a defesa do Xingu.
O Itamaraty tem que aceitar a decisão da OEA em parar Belo Monte. Já que o Brasil é signatário de tratados internacionais, pedimos que o Brasil respeite estes Tratados.
Assim, para edificar um novo mundo que respeite a Lei da Mãe Terra, onde o valor da Vida está acima do valor do dinheiro.
O Movimento Indigena Revolucionário entregou ontem em Protocolo da OAB Federal a Petição da Rede GRUMIN de Mulheres Indigenas que pede que o presidente da OAB entre com todas as medidas para defesa do Xingu e suas populações e pela não construção da UH Belo Monte.
Fonte: Blog Resistência Indígena Continental
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